Pure Gilani Tea
Teavasi tries to create pure and simple joy for everyday moments by delivering pure tea products.
Design Challenge
As the most common drink in Iran, tea (Chai) hasn't been presented in a decent and deserving style. We began by exploring local communities and opportunities to find and define a well-rooted foundation for our design approach.
Package Design (Physical Packs)
To keep the packaging costs low and also feasible, we chose simple food-grade Flat Bottom Bags, alongside simple glass jar, as our main packages.
Package Design (Graphics)
To honor more the 100 years of history of tea in Iran, we chose vintage-style graphics for the package.
The name of the brand, "Teavasi" is a local Gilaki word meaning "For You".
This brand and design is also inspired by Mohammad Mirza Chaikar (Kashefosaltaneh) who brought Chai to Iran for the first time in 1906. He also happens to be the very first mayor of Tehran.
Logo & Logotype
To empower the brand to enter global market alongside domestic, we designed both Farsi and English logotypes in an identical and harmonious style.
We Love Locals
These hard working local farmers and suppliers inspired us to create this brand. We loved working with them and continue supporting them.
Project Components
Satisfied Client :)
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